Please schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation if you have other questions.
Acupuncture is a natural medicine that originated in the East and has been practiced for more than 3500 years. It utilizes hair thin needles to stimulate the nervous system. This stimulation regulates pain and mood receptors, balances organ systems andf hormones, and helps improve the free-flow of blood and oxygen through-out the body to help circulation.
Acupuncture is highly regulated. There are 42 advanced degree schools in the U.S. that provide masters or doctoral degrees requiring 3-5 years of rigourous study and costing $45-65k. These degrees are required prior to sitting for 5 medical based board exams. Each student is required to see more than 1000 patients prior to obtaining a license. NCCAOM is the accreditation board and the Texas Medical Board issues licenses for Acupuncturists which must be renewed every two years.
Each patient is different, so it depends on the complexity of their health challenges and goals. After a second visit we will have a better idea of how many visits will be needed to reach your goals. My average patient requires between 3-20 visits. Some people come in just for a tune-up or maintenance as needed, and others have multiple complex health conditions that need more attention.
Typically I use between 8-18 needles depending on the number of conditions. I have the philosophy that it's better to use fewer needles that reach more results.
Since the needles are hair thin most people report barely feeling them. Occasionally someone may feel one for a few seconds during insertion if it is a particularly sensitive area. After insertion they are barely noticealbe. The client rests in a quiet, dark and private room with calm music for a period of time while the therapy works.
The World Health Organization published a document with more than 80 conditions that are approved in the west for treatment. You can find that document here:
The best way to find out is to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if she is a good fit for you. We understand that everyone has different needs. Feel free to schedule online .
We use supplements and herbal medicine brands and products based out of the United States and that follow all the quality standards here in the U.S.. All of the products are natural and free of extra additives.
Our typical hours are by appointment:
T/TH 9am - 6pm
If you need a time outside of this, or need a home visit, please reach out and we will try to accomodate your needs.
Dr. Florida became obtained her license in Oriental Medicine and began practicing in 2014, in central Houston. She is highly experienced in many conditions and specializes in emotional - gut health. She worked with several of her professors for many years prior to opening a private practice.
Absolutely, we believe that a patient may benefit from multiple avenues of treatment. We work with your doctors, therapists, physical therapists, coaches and more to ensure you have complete care. There is no need to stop one form of care for the other. There is no problem with having massages or PT on the same day as your treatment
We are credentialed out of network with a number of carriers. We currently do not accept medicare or medicaid due to legistation related to Acupuncture. To find out if you have coverage for Acupuncture you may fill out an insurance verification form and you will know within 2-5 business days depending on how busy the verification company is.
Acupuncture clinic Cash Pay Prices:
Central Houston
Initial Visit: $110
Follow-up Visit: $100
Functional Packages and Testing: Consult for Pricing
Virtual Health Coaching:
30 Min - $75, 60 min - $120
Schedule through our EHR Online
We work with several insurance carriers that cover Acupuncture. Learn more here:
If you are cash pay for acupuncture therapy (meaning not insurance) we have a prepay savings!
discounts built in at our private practice in Houston, Texas.
Heal Your Vibe Wellness - Dr. Florida
5373 W Alabama St, Houston, Suite 204, TX, USA
Copyright © 2020 Dr Sara Florida- All Rights Reserved.
Heal Your Vibe PLLC
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