Holistic chinese medicine acupuncture therapy that has helped millions globally over thousands of years! In our private practice in central Houston we practice traditional Chinese Medicine and have expertise in acupuncture for mind-gut, acupuncture therapy for back pain and 40 + other conditions.
Holistic chinese medicine acupuncture therapy is more than 3500 years old and used by millions globally. It utilizes hair thin needles that are inserted into the skin and act as directors telling the body where healing is needed. Needles are single use and do not have anything on them. They activate the bodies self- healing mechanism receptors and the feel good hormones in the brain like dopamine, allowing the body to bring balance and harmony to organ systems, hormones, acupuncture therapy for back pain, pain anywhere in the body, acupuncture for mind-gut and more.
Cupping chinese medicine and is a holistic therapeutic treatment that helps to alleviate pain, using acupuncture therapy for back pain and many other conditions through the use of glass cups which are heated and create a suction on the body. It works by activating the bodies nervous system and self- healing mechanisms, improving blood flow and oxygen to the tissues reducing pain and inflammation. We automatically include cupping with treatments as needed in our Houston private practice.
Herbal formulations a part of chinese medicine acupuncture and acupuncture therapy , treat many internal conditions that cannot be treated with Acupuncture alone. They work in conjunction with acupuncture for mind-gut for internal healing and balancing. All herbal formulas are based on classical Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas and in our private practice in central Houston, we only use the highest grade and quality that meet U.S. standards. The majority are all natural and plant based. They must be dispensed by a licensed herbal medicine practitioner, and cannot be found over the counter. Supplements are used to make up for nutritional deficiencies in the body.
What is acupuncture therapy & How does it help naturally and holistically heal the body? Examples: acupuncture for mind-gut or acupuncture therapy for back pain:
In Eastern countries chinese medicine acupuncture is the primary form of medicine and Western Medicine is complementary. In the US, acupuncture therapy is a complement to your Western Medicine care team. We work with your medical team to optimize your care and fill in the gaps. Western Medicine is terific with severe disease, emergencies, life saving procedures and neccesary medications, however when it comes to wellness they often tell people to go home and deal with it. We help improve the symptoms that people don't want to "deal with." We strongly believe that many symptoms can be reversed naturally with holistic health and wellness and will provide lifestyle, herbal medicine, acupuncture therapy, cupping chinese medicine to resolve those symptoms for long- term relief with a short series of visits. We know when to refer people out to a physician or specialist and how to work with your doctors for your best care in central Houston
Heal Your Vibe Wellness - Dr. Florida
5373 W Alabama St, Houston, Suite 204, TX, USA
Copyright © 2020 Dr Sara Florida- All Rights Reserved.
Heal Your Vibe PLLC
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